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No such column error



I have added a custom field called CommStatus on Opportunity, and have set the field level security to such that it is visible to all the profiles.  I am able to query the field using Force.explorer tool. and the field also shows up in the describeSObject(..) call but when I try to query the table using connection.query(soql) with the SOQL containing the custom field, I get the following error:


No such column 'CommStatus__c' on entity 'Opportunity'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.'


I am using PartnerAPI and have been stuck with this error for few hrs now.  Will appreciate your responses. 



Santhosh KumarSanthosh Kumar

If you are sure about having given access to all profiles, you shouldn't get this error. Please check again. Or check to make sure if you are connecting to the same org where you have given the access.


Thanks for your reply. I was connecting to a wrong org.