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Commissions calculation across several objects
Hello! I have a few things I am trying to do but I cannot seem get my head around this correctly. Firstly, to explain my plight, I am trying to get data populated from a few different tables into one. I am also trying to auto generate the record that would host all of this inforation. Basically, I have an incentives object, and a commissions object. The incentives object has several products in a related list (incentive products) associated to it. Incentives also has User associated to them (another related list) I need to look at my payment objects and say. Ok, when payment comes in pull the related User(commissionable user) and auto calculate a commission based on what incentive prog. he is assigned. to. This sounds nuts so implementation will be a snow storm im sure. Thanks!
What I have so far, but is probably wrong
trigger IncentiveAssociation on Commission__c (after insert) {
for(Assigned_User__c AU:{
[Select Id from Assigned_User__c ];
for (Incentive_Plan__c IP:{
[Select Id from Incentive_Plan__c];
for (Commissionable_User__c CU : {
[Select Id From User Where CU.Commissionable_User__c = AU.User__c];
for (Incentive_Products__c ICP:{
[Select Id from Incentive_Products__c.Product__c]
Id recId = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('New InstallBase').getRecordTypeId();
for (Commission__c C :{
C.Product=[Select Id from P.Product