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Update Field if Person Account In Use

1) We have implemented Person Accounts.

2) We have a custom object that has a Master Detail Relationship with the Account object.

3) We are attempting to implement Act-On utilizing information from the custom object.  However, Act-On requires the use of Contact Id.  Today, I have added a Contact Lookup field to the custom object with intention to use it in a custom report type.

4) I am trying to figure out a way, without APEX if possible, to populate the Contact ID in the custom object with the corresponding Contact that is associated the Account (Person Account).   I tried a Workflow Field Update, but it appears it is not possible to update a Lookup field using this method.

5) Is there a way to update the Contact with the Contact ID of the Master Object Person Account on the custom object when a new record is created?  Or do I have to find a APEX programmer?

Cory CowgillCory Cowgill

Can you use Formula Fields to do this? 


Here is the success article link where this was delivered to use PA fields in Formulas.