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Mass-enable permissions

Hi all,


I have a managed package with 40 custom objects and arouns 20 VF pages. Right now when users install it, system admins can access all pages, but Salesforce Platform Users can't see some of my VF pages, they get the error:



Insufficient PrivilegesYou do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary"



Any idea how I can enable ALL pages and objects quickly for any user?


I had a look at the permission sets feature, but unless I am missing something, it seems that I need to go object-by-object and modify each one of them, there must be a better way...






While installing packages make sure give right permission to your package.


Make check your desired security setting while installing your package, the three level of package security settings are,


1. Grant access to admins only Users with your profile get full access (best for limited deployments)

2. Grant access to all users All internal custom profiles get full access

3. Select security settings User access set by profile (recommended for most packages)



I thought  you gave Grant access to admins only permission while installing your package. Try to Reinstall your package as Grant access to all users Permission.






I did enable for all users on install.


The issue I see is that when I go to Permission Sets for this profile, all Object Settings are not enabled by default. So I have to go object by object and edit the permissions to add Modify All/Create permissions.


I am looking for a way to make it all Enabled by default for this profile.


Hope it's clear




Did you enabled all your visualforce page in your profile which is not accessible for Salesforce platform license?


You need to give manually permission for object level, Visualforce access, apex classes whatever you want. You can change these permission as you want by profile level.