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Did the Perl SOAP interface change recently?

I can't seem to update records. The code that used to work is not generating this error message:
Missing entity type information. sObject requires a separate 'type' field be sent.

What changed?

ALso, when querying Ids I used to have to do this:

my $result = $sforce->do_query($query);
if(defined(@$result)) {
         $siteId  = @$result[0]->{Id}[0];

But this doesn't work any more; you've made it not be in an array anymore. Now I have to do this:
my $result = $sforce->do_query($query);
if(defined(@$result)) {
         $siteId  = @$result[0]->{Id};

 What else has changed? How can I get notified in the future?

that first line should say:
I can't seem to update records. The code that used to work is NOW generating this error message:
Ugh. Somehow my perl XML libraries got changed and now things stopped working!