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How to grab all attachments



I am trying to get all attachments via SOQL query: "SELECT Name,Id, ParentId,Body  FROM Attachment".

But above query returns only one record. 

If I remove the Body from the query (SELECT Name,Id, ParentId  FROM Attachment), I get all attachment records.

Is there a way to grab all attachments with Body via SOQL???




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
you have to use queryMore to fetch the remaining results, see the api docs for details.

All Answers

you have to use queryMore to fetch the remaining results, see the api docs for details.
This was selected as the best answer

Thank you, SimonF!


When I query attachments with Body in query, the response returns every field as a separate record.


So when I $query = "Select a.Body, a.Id, a.LastModifiedDate, a.Name, a.ParentId, a.SystemModstamp from Attachment a";


foreach ($response->records as $record) {  

      echo "<br/>";       


I get Body value, then Id value, etc., instead of stdClass Object.  Do you know how to avoid this and get whole  attachment record as stdClass Object??


Thank you!
