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ANN: PartnerApi library public released


A few years back I was contracted to help a company to migrate from their then CRM to Salesforce (named by then). I used Enterprise API from .NET C# to make the data migration. It was an interesting exercize but found the EAPI quite static. Then heard of the PartnerApi and started to draw the idea of using it.

The end idea was to build a class library to simplify the access to PartnerApi methods and here are my two-cents.

I've just released the code I've done so far so that other can have a look at it, use it and hopefully develop an useful library for anybody working with this API.

The source code can be found at It is licensed under LGPL so that it can be used even on non-free projects.

Hope you find it useful.

Any comments, question, suggestion are all welcome.


Martín Trejo Chávez