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Login problems from the sforce Browser


I'm having problems login in from the sforce browser using the same user/password combination as I'm using for the community site. I'm getting a "Login Failed" message box telling me that the username or password is invalid. Why?

UPDATE: I've just tried logging in via the SOAP API, doesn't work either...

UPDATE 2: I've already found the problem. It's in the url to the SOAP API. For us in Sweden it should be http://emea..... and not http://na1...... Can the sforce Browser Visual Studio add-in be customised to use another url? 

Best Regards

H Nilsson
Ki Consulting


Message Edited by tssupport on 06-03-2003 12:56 PM

Message Edited by tssupport on 06-03-2003 03:01 PM


Thanks for pointing that out.  We are working on a revision right now.  I will post to this thread when it is available.



One way to use the sforce Browser in this case (until the next revision) would be to create an sforce VB.NET Winform Project, Drag the API Browser Control to the Winform (from the Toolbox) and in the Form_Load Event Handler of the Winform, change the sfManager.Url Property to the correct Url.

Note: The sfManager static class is in the sforce.CommonClassLibrary.dll which is added as a reference for your sforce project. The ApiBrowserControl is in the sforce.WindowsControlLibary.dll > since the ApiBrowserControl in this library uses the sfManager, the initial login call will go to the correct Url.

Jay Walters

Message Edited by Jwalters on 06-03-2003 08:05 PM

Message Edited by Jwalters on 06-04-2003 04:51 AM