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Accessing layout metadata?

Is there any way to query the page layout informatio?. We need to be able to create views utilizing this information if at all possible.


Hi mbeaty,

You can retrieve layout information using the describe call in API version 2.0 (previous release).  Layout information is not available via API version 2.5 (current release) but will be available in the spring release.


I found the "Describe Utility" for the 2.0 API and it does provide some information but is there anyway to...

1) See the custom fields for an object - I added a field to a contact and it doesn't show up when I refresh my view in the describe utility.

2) To determine which fields are in the layout for the particular user's view. For example is there any way to tell the layout for the marketing view versus the sales or support layouts?





Hi mbeaty,

1)  The custom field visibility is dependent on profiles and layouts.  Before you will see a custom field, it needs to be added to a layout, otherwise, you don't really have access to it.  When you authenticate via the API, you have the object and field visibility that you do in the app, so if you don't see it in the app you won't see it in the API.

2)  There is not ability through the api to manage even at an inspection level specific layout configurations.


Has this capability of describing a page layout been included in the spring release.  I have heard of a Layout API can you give any more details around this?

Thanks, Henry