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Query Profile and Object Report

Hi, I'm new to Salesforce admin. Is it possible that i can perform a query using SOQL to retrive a list of profiles and corresponding access to each standard and custom object? I want to create an access matrix for our org.

Rise AnalyticsRise Analytics



I don't think you can do this in 1 query, but here's what you can do in 2 queries:


1. This query gives you the Profile Id and object permissions assigned to that profile.


SELECT Parent.ProfileId, sObjectType, PermissionsCreate, PermissionsRead, PermissionsEdit, PermissionsDelete, PermissionsViewAllRecords, PermissionsModifyAllRecords FROM ObjectPermissions


2. This is just a simple lookup of the Profile Id from query 1 to the actual name of that profile.


SELECT Id, Name FROM Profile