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Seeking salesforce consultant for customization and data migration

Statewide non-profit seeks assistance with getting Salesforce up and running.  Filemaker experience preferred.  Timeline: hope to have project completed in the next month and a half.
A GruenA Gruen
I'm with MK Partners, a  management and technology consulting firm founded by Matt Kaufman. Matt gained extensive expertise during his tenure as a consultant at and served as the Technical Editor for Salesforce for Dummies.

Our consultants have significant experience migrating data from Filemaker products to Salesforce, and we offer reduced pricing for NonProfits through our Nonprofit Implementation Initiative.

I'm confident we can address your needs within your desired timeline. Please be in touch at


nonprofit adminnonprofit admin

Here's a resource: see the special nonprofit area

also offers small blocks of consulting time

had original data in filemaker - quick turnaround for data conversion.

PhoenX ManPhoenX Man
I read about your project for a person to assist in migrating a database into .  I have several years experience designing and building complex relational database while using effective user interface design. We are now a developer partner with a certified administrator on the team. My company is a small firm in the process of getting major funding to launch a social venture directed towards higher education. While I am getting this funding, I have time over the next two months to devote to such a project. 

I wish to learn more about the project to be sure I am the right person to assist you.  My rate will be very reasonable if we are good match.

Please contact me at 831-277-7025  or 831 621-8043

Ivan Prueitt
PhoenX Group, Inc
Monterey. CA

CRM Advantage has the resourses for this project. We typically set up a conference call to talk around your best business practises and then go forward with a work proposal. Please visit our website at  We can also be found on the website under the partners/consulting partners tab.
Thank you,