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Test class code coverage....

can anybody help me how can i cover this code...


public PageReference recedit() {
pagereference ref=new pagereference('/'+accid+'/e');
return ref;





public PageReference deleterec() {
Account acc=[select id,name from Account where id =: accid];
delete acc;
pagereference ref=new pagereference('/apex/vieweditdelete');
return ref;

Sneha PatilSneha Patil
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
insert acc;

ClassName objClass = new ClassName();
objClass.accid = acc.Id;

PageReference editRedirect = objClass.recedit();
system.assert(editRedirect.getUrl() == 
(new pagereference('/'+acc.Id+'/e')).getUrl());

PageReference delRedirect = objClass.deleterec();
list<Account> lstAcc = [select id,name from Account where id =: acc.Id];

system.assert(lstAcc.size() == 0);
system.assert(delRedirect.getUrl() == (new Pagereference('/apex/vieweditdelete').getUrl()));


Hope this helps !!

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