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Formula field



I have created formula field on Position object, which is pulling some data from User object.


I have Market picklist in User objeck, having value: NA,EMEA and Global


But the problem is formula field is taking only last picklist value i.e Global even though in user;s object Market is set as NA.


My formula is: IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "NA"), "NA", IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "EMEA"), "EMEA",IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "Global"), "Global", NULL)))


I tried this also,




Still Global is coming in formula.



Please help.



Kamatchi Devi SargunanathanKamatchi Devi Sargunanathan

Hi taaa,


Th following formula is used to display a text based on the picklist value in my user details. So, when i create a record the picklist value is compared in my profile (User details) and the corresponding text is displayed. Its working fine for me. 


Try the following Eg,

IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Pickval__c , "1"), "One",
  IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Pickval__c , "2"), "Two",     
    IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Pickval__c , "3"), "Three",null


For Your formula,

I analysed your formula, it is correct. I think so, you are creating the record from the same user account who has the picklist value as 'Global'. So, please check again in the user profile.


IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "NA"), "NA",
   IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "EMEA"), "EMEA",
      IF(ISPICKVAL( $User.Market_NES__c , "Global"), "Global", null


Hope this will help you...!


Don't forget to give Kudos and mark this answer as a Solution if this works out.

$User is a global variable and always points to the currently logged in user (which probably is your login).
I assume in your own user record the Market_NES__c is set to 'Global'.

How is position object and the user object related. What is the name of the lookup field in Position Object which points to the User Object.

Satish Kumar
Hi taaa,

According to this formula TEXT($User.Market_NES__c) it return the exact value which is there on the user record.please check the login user record and check the picklist value.I think the login user record pick list value will be global that is the reason it is displaying global.