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Permission Sets and Record Types

Hi Everyone,


I have created 2 Record Types (Record Type A, Record Type B) and I have also setup 2 Permission Sets (Test1 & Test 2).


Permission set 1 has Record Type A and gives the user access to all the fields in a Custom Object (Object1)

Permission set 2 has Record Type B and gives the user access to only certain fields in the Custom Object (Object 1).


Now when I assign both these Permission Sets (1&2) to the same user, the user is able to see all the fields in both the record types. Because of permission set 1 the user is able to see all the fields in both the record types. I want the user to see the fields in the record type based on the field permissions setup in the permission set.


Am I missing out something or Is it a Salesforce issue when it comes to Permission sets and Record Types?


Any help or suggestions would greatly help me out!




This is not an issue but this is a feature of salesforce to extend permissions for user. to make your goal you should assign these two different layouts instead of setting up permission set