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Security Token not received

I clicked on Reset Security Token in my salesforce account about 3-4 times today but I have not yet received the security token on my email. I have also checked my Junk folder. What could be the problem?

strange!!.....check whether your email address is correct.
Also, check the email Deliverability settings, access level should be all emails
Yes, should be related to your email address. Check if it is correct. If you are on a sandbox then you might have to remove the suffix which automatically gets added to your email address.

Satish Kumar
Please mark my answer as a solution if it was helpful so it is available to others as a proper solution.
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Sridhar BonagiriSridhar Bonagiri



Please check for any rules which will delete the mails in junk folder.




Sridhar Bonagiri

If this post is your solution, kindly mark this as the solution and give Kudos.

Subhani PSubhani P



steps for my sandbox user:
1)  update user email to remove the sandbox extension (.foosb)
2) wait for confirmation email at new address and click-through to confirm.
3) reset security token
4) receive email with new securiy token.
1) for sandbox, endpoint is rather than
2) user field name is "username=", this is missing in the REST API walkthrough example.
3) password value is PASSWORD + SECURITYTOKEN
4) client_id is labeled consumer_id in your oauth enabled app
5) client_secret is labeled consumer_secret in your oauth enabled app

curl -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=MYCLIENTID" -d -d "client_secret=MYCLIENTSECRET" -d "username=USERNAME_WITH_EXTENSION"  -d "password=MYPASSWORDMYSECURITYTOKEN"
And, check the following link which may help to solve your question.
Salesforce Certified Developer,

Sandeep LohaniSandeep Lohani
Under Setup => Quick find box=> Search for=>Reset my security token