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Contact OwnerId field

I'm using the Perl API (latest release) to query the contact  table and need to pick up the OwnerID field so I can look up their email and notify them if I update a contact record through the API. 

However when I query the contact table all I get returned is blank OwnerID fields.  How do I get hold of this data?  The sample code I'm using is below:

Also, I'm not familiar with Oracle query syntax as I use mysql.  What is the syntax to sort a query.  In mysql it is  'order by field' or to reverse 'order by field desc'  but this is not accepted in the API query call.


Nigel Hall


my $COLUMNS = "Id,OwnerID,CreatedDate,FirstName,LastName,Email";
my $LIMIT = "10";
my $DATATYPE = "Contact";

my $query_str = "select $COLUMNS from $DATATYPE";

$result = $port->query( 'query' => $query_str );

if ($result->fault()) {
    print $result->faultstring();
    print "\n  error on: $query_str\n"
} else {
    my $i = 0;

    my $count = 1;
    foreach my $elem ($result->valueof('//queryResponse/result/records')) {
        my %DATA;
        foreach my $col (split(',',$COLUMNS)) {
#           printf "$elem->{$col} - ";
            $DATA{$col} = $elem->{$col};
        print "rec: $count\n";
        foreach my $field ( keys %DATA ) {
                printf "%-15s: [%s]\n", $field, $DATA{$field};
        print "\n";

Message Edited by nh on 02-18-2004 04:32 PM

Message Edited by nh on 02-18-2004 04:32 PM

Hi nh:

Can you post the XML messages so we can see whats happening? When I run that query using a simple Java program, it works fine, so I assume there is a problem somewhere in how the result is being parsed.

W/r/t "order by", the API does not currently support ordering. (Or joins.) You'll need to do that in your client code.


I found the problem.  XML is below.

The query method was being called with  OwnerID which caused XML data to return but I couldn't get at in the client as the fieldname is really  OwnerId.  Looks like the SQL is OK with case-insensitive fields and should really throw an error on an invalid field name.  I'll make sure and double check these field names.

Any idea on when query sorts will be available.  Its going to get difficult when dealing large amounts of data.  I don't really want to read the entire table just to sort it locally when I just want to get the 20 most recent leads or contacts.





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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  <queryResponse xmlns="">
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    <records xsi:type="sf:Contact" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sf="">

Ah. Good catch - working with the partner API is tricky like that.

Re: sorts, you should try using the system modify timestamp to retrieve only the
records that are new/changed within a certain time - should greatly limit the scope of your query.