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PHP, NuSoap, and Sforce

Does anyone have sample PHP code leveraging the NuSoap library that they would be willing to share depicting how to interface with the Sforce API?  I've been tinkering for a while now, and just can't get it working.  A little sample code should get me kick-started.  Thanks!
There is a toolkit based on Pear SOAP, not NuSOAP.

Everything you'll need is at

I'm currently working on web services connection using NuSOAP. NuSOAP doesn't seem to offer any easy way to add headers in soap envelopes (with the exception of a simple soapval object which doesn't help in headers with children and multiple namespaces, and so on). I've written a hack work-around for the time being (unless someone knows better). I'll touch base once completed. All in all, it's not much different from Pear::SOAP except for the header issue I mentioned.



NuSOAP is one of several toolkits available for PHP developers who want to work with SOAP services. What drew me to it was the simplicity of installation�you only need to include the library in your script to create a web service. While there is some missing functionality, and the documentation could be more complete, NuSOAP has ease of use as its key advantage over other PHP solutions. In my estimation Dietrich Ayala, the developer of NuSOAP has done an excellent job.

As I mentioned before the requirement for any NuSOAP based client or server is the nusoap.php file, downloadable from the website or from directly. The zip file contains nusoap.php and all relevant documentation. Place the library in a directory accessible by your PHP files, and you�re ready to rock and roll.

The sample file can be found :



Hi All,  Due to the fact I won't have admin access to the server which I'm developing on, so I cant compile PHP or install Pear etc ( which I would like too but can't), does anyone have 'public domain' sample code  of NuSoap integrating with Salesforce. I too could use a kickstart.

Perhaps I have some code or cool trick to trade ?




Hi All, for those who cant install Pear and they want help with NuSoap, I have successfully got a NuSoap version working ( non-WSDL ) when I fixed the NuSoap routines, so now I can create accounts/notes/leads and do queries

 [As it stand the opensource NuSoap does not correctly handle headers ( for the SessionID) so all of my successive, post-login Salesforce Calls were failing]

Contact me for a jumpstart or info on how I did it.


edyaffa AT

^^^^Note the antispam email address above^^^