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Using XUL as a frontend for Salesforce

Have any developers tried or thought about using XUL asa front end for salesforce. Or would any developers like to co-develop one.

Also anyone familiar or know XUL.
Sounds interesting - if you'd like to give it a try we'd be happy to answer whatever questions we can for you!
Jonas S.Jonas S.
This sounds interesting, could you please tell me more about your ideas?
Well I already created a CRM application in XUL/PHP/MYSQL. It took me about two years to complete it. Check out

It is more advanced and has more features than, Saleslogix,Maximizer, and, and Microsoft CRM combined. I took all there products apart and made a radical new CRM XUL rich client.

What I want to do now is take my XUL CRM application and make it work with I already showed Sun Microsystems my work and they say I have the most advance XUL application on the market.

I already have Account Management, Contact, Prospects, Leads, Resellers, Competitors, Human Resources, ERP, Warehouse Management, Order Management, Case management, knowledge Management, in my XUL CRM application.

I added parts than Salesforce said they would never add. I want to go ahead and add those parts to Salesforce. I want to extend it and make it into something that can compete and looks a desktop.

I know nobody over at SF knows XUL so I have a two year jump. I am making something unique and one of a kind.

I want to own and control 80% of the XUL market. It is all a reace before XAML with Longhorn comes out... A race to have to best and first products. I WILL be the next GOOGLE or I don't have there money but I have the time and see the potential.

My next prodject is a XUL Medical Application.
While I appreciate your enthusiasm for XUL, I'll ask that you not be so presumptuous about assuming what does or doesn't know, especially as we are here listening . I�d also encourage you to explore building solutions that extend, as there is certainly plenty of useful functionality one could imagine that we don�t provide.

With that, lets focus the thread back on specific technical questions about accessing sforce via XUL. People of have done similar things using MSXML, and if it possible to do using XUL/some other mozilla technology, that would be good to know.