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updating currency field type in partner wsdl

I'm trying to update "Amount" field in "opportunity" object which is currency data type with partner wsdl. I'm getting an error related to xsd:double, I'm passing 4,000.00 which is double value.

I searched and I found in Enterprise wsdl there is a boolean field for each not string datatype, which we have to set  that flag to true.

Is there any similar way in partner wsdl, or I have to use string.Format and change the format to currency and then connvert it back to decimal and set the value for the field.


Thanks in advance for your help.




The error message is probably something like "4,000.00 is not a valid xsd:double", you need to format the value without the comma in it.


The specified flags that is generated from the enterprise WSDL is irrelevant for the partner WSDL.