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Interfacing to the

I'm using the interface through:

to log in and retrieve data OK, but when I try to create records
I get the message :
soapenv:Server common.exception.ApiException: Must send a concrete entity type. INVALID_TYPE Must send a concrete entity type. -1 -1
I'm logging into the Enterprise account.

my code:

$sfobj = new SalesforceClient();
$ds_login = "validuser";
$ds_pass = "validpass";
$res=$sfobj->login($ds_login, $ds_pass);

if (PEAR::isError($res))
$errors = "Error: " . $res->getMessage() . "\n";
$_SESSION['err'] = '2';
$_SESSION['msg'] = $errors;
header("Location: /sserv/");

//$debug = new array_parse($_SESSION,"session VARS - ".__LINE__."-".__FILE__); echo $debug->output_var;
$_SESSION['loggedInName'] = $loggedInName;




After the session is happy I can build my sql's and execute queries with no
problem using the client code, but the create fails

Create code:
function &create($sObjects)
return parent::create($sObjects);
(from the samples)
and my code to do the create:

$contact->AccountId = "validid";
$contact->Email - "";
$contact->LastName = "Last";

$args->sObjects = new SoapVar($contact, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "Contact", "");


anyone see what I am doing wrong?
I forgot, my Development environment is PHP 5.04