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Weird XML response returned by the SalesForce API



I've created a small .NET app that connects to through its web service API (19.0).


Following some request, SalesForce returns an invalid XML response, i.e. it contains an empty namespace declaration (xmlns:ns1=""):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sf=""><soapenv:Header><ns1:DebuggingInfo><ns1:debugLog></ns1:debugLog></ns1:DebuggingInfo></soapenv:Header><soapenv:Body><queryResponse><result xsi:type="QueryResult"><done>true</done><queryLocator xsi:nil="true"/><records xsi:type="sf:sObject"><sf:type>Case</sf:type><sf:Id xsi:nil="true"/><sf:Type xsi:nil="true"/></records><size>1</size></result></queryResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>


And the request was:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><QueryOptions xmlns=""><batchSize>200</batchSize></QueryOptions><SessionHeader xmlns=""><sessionId>{SOME_ID}</sessionId></SessionHeader></soap:Header><soap:Body><query xmlns=""><queryString>select Type from Case where Id='{SOME_ID}'</queryString></query></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>


Where {SOME_ID} is a valid session ID and case ID, respectively.


The problem is that when SoapHttpClientProtocol (web reference) parses the response, its internal XmlReader throws an XmlException: "Response is not well-formed XML. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Invalid namespace declaration. Line 1, position 161."


Now my questions are:


1- Why does SalesForce return this response (instead of returning the expected query result)?

2- Why does SalesForce return an empty namespace (xmlns:ns1="")? As I explained above, this breaks the XmlReader class (MoveToContent method).


Thanks for your help!




How are you capturing this response XML? Which instance are you connecting to? i wasn't able to reproduce this sending your request using curl.


Other than the namespace issue, the response looks correct.


1- The way I'm capturing the response XML is simple. I've implemented a SoapExtension that logs requests and reponses to an XML file.


2- The instance I'm connecting to is:


3- What do you mean when you say that the response looks correct?


I would expect to receive the value of the 'Type' field of the specified case. However, this is not what I received.


4- What's the purpose of the "DebuggingInfo" and "debugLog" nodes? Did an error occur?







You should probably log a case with support.


I am also getting this error, but support cases cannot be opened by developers on standard support any more. Is there a resolution available?