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No CRUD Permissions in a Standard User Profile! What do people with a PE license do?

I was really surprised to learn that Professional Edition Users are not allowed to make Custom Profiles!!


How can this be?


A Standard User Profile HAS NO CRUD PERMISSIONS on Custom Objects, which means that in PE a Standard User won't even be able to View records based on Custom Objects, much less create / modify them.


What am I missing here? This seems far too restrictive. Or Have I misunderstood what a Professional Edition License is? 


You just need to "deploy" your objects, and all users will get read access to the objects, and all users except Read Only users will get read-write access. Also note that the "sharing model" will affect access to records. The default is to provide full access to the records limited only by the sharing model selected. To deploy an object, edit the object and elect to deploy the object (instead of "in development", the default value).


If you're absolutely not able to get this, contact technical support and they can help you configure your sharing and objects so that standard users can access these objects. The advantage of EE and UE is that you can specify custom profiles that actually restrict access instead of granting all users access. Also, if this was part of a package, you can deploy all objects at once by visiting the View Installed Packages page, selecting the package, and clicking Deploy.