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log out() soap api function



I am using oauth2 to connect to the php toolkit. I have managed to log in and use all the api's functions except logout(). How can I log out of a session that I am currently in? whenver i use the $mySforceConnection->logout(); This is the error that I get when I run this function:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Server] No such operation 'logout' in /home/ygdporta/public_html/demo2/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php:174 Stack trace: #0 /home/ygdporta/public_html/demo2/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php(174): SoapClient->__call('logout', Array) #1 /home/ygdporta/public_html/demo2/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php(174): SoapClient->logout() #2 /home/ygdporta/public_html/demo2/index.php(21): SforceBaseClient->logout() #3 {main} thrown in /home/ygdporta/public_html/demo2/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php on line 174

 Is there another way to end my session?

Vishal Gaddi6Vishal Gaddi6



use session_destroy();