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Kevin DavisKevin Davis 

Modifying the create by field

Hi there,


Right now I created a php upsert program that upserts data into salesforce. The problem I'm having is the created by field. Is there a way not show my name but show the name based on the user id that I upload into saleforce? Salesforce says that can't be editable is that correct?


Thank you,



The Created By field is a read-only System field, so the short answer is, no, you cannot edit this field. If you contact Salesforce, they may give access to populate data in that field to your orgnanization, but they will typically only allow this for a short period of time, since this functionality is generally only needed temporarily, for data migrations. However, even if you go this route, it would only work on INSERT operations, but not on UPDATE, so it would not solve your problem.

Un consulta para mostrar en un mensaje quien creo el objeto y la fecha como debo hacerlo?