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General packaging and distribution questions
I'm a newbie who has a few questions about the packaging and distribution of Sf apps:
I'm a newbie who has a few questions about the packaging and distribution of Sf apps:
- Can I package an app that I've made with a developer account and deploy it to only my organization instead of putting it on AppExchange? (seems like you should be able to but I just want to confirm 100% that this is possible...)
- If I release my app on AppExchange, will others be able to see the code I've produced once they install it?
- If I want to get my app certified for release on AppExchange, do I have to make external web service calls over SSL or can I do this in plaintext? (it's not critical data like account or lead info, only custom object data)
2. If you have a package with Apex Code in it, the code will be obfuscated in a managed package but visible in an unmanaged package.
3. Since the SFDC session ID will be exchanged, SSL is required even though other critical org data is not being transmitted.
Thanks very much for your answer!
> Since the SFDC session ID will be exchanged, SSL is required
> even though other critical org data is not being transmitted.
Is this also the case if I'm only deploying within my own organization and not on AppExchange?