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Missing Organization Features

I've packaged an app as a Managed Beta package and am trying to install it to my organization's Salesforce instance.  However, when I do this, I get the following message:

Missing Organization Feature: Product2.RecordType          
Missing Organization Feature: Opportunity.RecordType          
Missing Organization Feature: Lead.RecordType          
Missing Organization Feature: OpportunitySalesTeam

The first one I understand.  Our organization doesn't have Products, so this feature is obviously not turned on.  Does anyone have any idea what the other three mean?  We do have salespeople who enter opportunities and leads into Salesforce.

Message Edited by ckemp on 07-23-2008 10:20 AM
For leads and opportunities, you appear to be referencing record types on those objects.  The organization you're installing into does not appear to be using record types.  You may need to create a record type in the installing org.

In the third case, your package is depending that opportunity sales teams are enabled for opportunities. 

When packaging the app, I checked off a couple of things I thought I needed (like the "Record Type"s below and Opportunity Sales Team), but apparently they're not needed.  Any idea what "RecordType" means?