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Problems uninstalling Managed Beta Package in Sandbox

I'm having problems uninstalling a Managed Beta package in my Sandbox.  When I try to do so, I get the errors:

Custom S-Control    MySControl1    The object "MySControl1" is in use by the object "Delete" and cannot be deleted.
Custom S-Control    MySControl2    The object "MySControl2" is in use by the object "Delete" and cannot be deleted.
Custom S-Control    MySControl3    The object "MySControl3" is in use by the object "New" and cannot be deleted.

These S-controls are used as Standard Button overrides (e.g. for the "New" and "Delete" buttons) and Standard Button overrides can't even be packaged!  So I'm not sure where this dependency is coming from.  Resetting the Custom Button overrides doesn't help either.  Has anyone else come across this problem?
Ron WildRon Wild
From the looks of it, the references to your packaged s-control(s) were added after the install.   Try removing the button overrides, and removing any custom link/button definitions on the related object.

Also, if you can't find the references, try uninstalling again.  SF should give you links to the offending references.

Hope that's of some help.

No go on removing the button overrides (i.e. resetting to default.)  It won't uninstall the S-controls regardless of whether they are being used as overrides or not.  Still the same offending references linked to during the uninstall. :smileymad:

I've added a case with tech support and the nice folks on the AppExchange team have been kind enough to escalate the case since I've been wrestling with issues for a while and am on a tight deadline to get this resolved.
FYI, the problem was resolved when I deleted all of the objects then removed them from the Recycling Bin.