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Can't see custom object tab as non-administrator in package

I have a strange problem when installing a package that I've created.  I have a custom object tab added to my app for an object (let's call it MyCustomObject.)  After I install the app, I can see the tab when logged in as an administrator.  When I try and log in as a non-administrator, the tab is missing.  I can see other tabs in my app (web tabs) but not the tab for MyCustomObject.  I cannot add the tab either, as I normally would by clicking the arrow tab and trying and move it from "Available Tabs" to "Selected Tabs" (it's not in the "Available Tabs" list.)

When I check the profile for this user (a custom profile), they have read access to the object, so they should (in theory) be able to see it.  If I change their profile to include all access for that object (read, create, edit, delete), they still cannot see the tab.  They also have field accessibility to the object's fields (read-only, required, or editable for all fields.) 

I've really ran out of things to try and am hoping some brilliant Salesforce expert can help tell me what I need to do to make it appear for these users. :-)
A very helpful AppExchange expert at Salesforce told me that I had to make sure the object was deployed first.  So if you go to Settings > App Setup > Create > Objects, there should be checkmarks next to each custom object that's part of your package.  If not, go to Setup > App Setup > View Installed Packages and click on your app name.  When the Package Details screen comes up, click the "Deploy" button to deploy your app org-wide.  This will also deploy your custom objects, as well.