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new package version and uploaded media not showing up in live appexchange

We rolled out an update to our AppExchange package this morning, and although the package is configured as the new version, and our uploaded media has been updated, the listing on the public site is still listed as the old versions of both.


What gives?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

this was due to a glitch in the publishing interface.  when I added the new package version, it was automatically placed under a private package in the interface instead of the one I intended.

All Answers


Did you update this field, Link one or more of your uploaded packages to this listing, in the Publisher section of AppExchange?


Details here.


Hope that helps,



i think you need select the new version under publish--->basic tab-->select the avilable version and save it then only u can see the new version .check it otherwise need more info


this was due to a glitch in the publishing interface.  when I added the new package version, it was automatically placed under a private package in the interface instead of the one I intended.

This was selected as the best answer

Yes,that is correct need to manuvally setup the package version.


Could you please explain what the problem was and what you did to fix it?  I'm trying to republish an updated version of my managed package for review, and for the life of me I can't remember what all the hoops were that I jumped through to get it to show up under "Your Uploaded Packages" in the AppExchange Publishing tab in the first place.


This entire "publishing to the AppExhange" process is way too complicated, and way too poorly documented.  The PDF file that is associated with this process (salesforce_packaging_guide.pdf) contains ZERO, NADA, ZIP in the way of useful step-by-step instructions for uploading from a DE account to the AppExchange.


Jerry (Not A Happy Camper) H.


Publish it via the org you developed it in.  Go get a cup of coffee.  Wait another 5 minutes.  The go to the AppExchange, and Publishing tab, log in with the creds for your dev org.


Find the app listing for this app, and click Edit.  Then Offering > Change Packages.  Add your newly uploaded package to the list on the right, and optionally remove the old one.  This interface makes no sense to me, so I only keep the one I want active here.


In the dropdown below it, pick your new package, and save the page.  If it lets you save, you should be good to go, otherwise, you'll need to fix whatever it complains about.


Also, if you want your AppExchange listing itself to reflect the publish date for this new one, set the listing to Private, and then back to Public.  This date field doesn't update otherwise.