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Change or delete field in managed package
I have a custom field on std objects that we need to modify but can't. They are flagged as being a unique ID from other data source, but then t hit another silly limit on the number of unique ID fields.
I can't find a way to delete the field and start over, and I can't uncheck the box saying unique field.
Can anyone help to modify either setting so our customers can install without the silly limit restrictions?
Once you release a managed package you cannot change the schema, it is frozen . You can remove field from layout , create other fields and perhaps implement uniqueness via trigger.
Thanks Ispita,
I know we can hide it and all, but we're having troubles on install because we have too many unique fields for many customers to install, so we need to remove several of them from the package. I'm hoping anyone at SFDC can do a magic one-time purge from the package to help out.
It really depends if any customers have installed this particular version of the package. If not, then with justification, Salesforce can roll back your released package to a Beta state, which will allow you to remove fields and re upload. If the package version is installed anywhere though, this wont work.
Note that if the install is failing in particular orgs, ask the customer to check if they have any soft deleted fields lying around (soft deleted fields in the recycle bin still count towards the field count limit). If there are, have them hard delete (erase) them.
If your company is a ISV, then you can request Aloha App functionality, which amongst other things removes the field count restriction on your package. More info here:
Hope this helps,
Thanks Chris,
Any idea how to get things rolled back to beta?
It's really a silly issue. We are an aloha app already, but the limit is on field types flagged as unique ID from external source. We have several but really don't need any. And it seems that Aloha app does not grant a waiver on limits around unique ID fields.
We have several customers that already have many versions installed. These field types have been that way since the beginning. Some users don't hit that limit and can install fine, while others do hit the limit. It would be ideal if we can just force a change to remove that unique ID checkbox. Don't need anything else changed.
We'll log a ticket as well, but I would imagine support will say it can't be done. Can anyone from SFDC help?
You can create a request with support to get a released package reverted to beta, once done you'd have more control over the package contents.
SFDC will check if the package version to be rolled back is installed and active anywhere. Unfortunately, they'll only be able to roll back if nobody has that version installed (it would cause upgrade issues for subscribers if an installed version had its contents changed).
Hope that makes sense, if you want I can do a quick check to see if the above is possible for your package version, just send me the details.