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publisher support login to customer setup

It looks like there is an option to grant access to setup data to an app exchange publisher. We have a customer that granted us access, but we have no idea how to login to their org to review the setup data. I'm sure we just missed the announcement, so can anyone point us to the steps on how to login? Do we do it from our DE account or our LMA account?




Go into your LMA org and look for a Subscriber Support tab.  It likely isn't shown by default.  


Click there to access a subscriber that grants you access.  Also, your profile must have a permission enabled to login into the org.  If you can't login, check that too (Login to Subscriber Orgs).






I'm trying to do the same thing, but I don't have the "Subscriber Support" tab available to me.


My LMA is version 1.14.


As far as I can tell, the LMA is not available over the new AppExchange ... so I have no idea how to update to the latest version of the LMA (which I assume will have the tab I seek).






UPDATE:  It turns out that 1.14 is the latest version (the Winter '11 LMA PDF on the website refers to version 2.1, but that's a "marketing version number" which does not correspond with the "package version number" of 1.14).  Salesforce automatically push-updates the LMA app to the latest version.


The actual tab is called "Subscribers" (not "Subscriber Support").