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Is it possible to change the publisher of a package?



I have a package with a publisher name as MyCorp, but I would love to change to something more meaningful (as my real company name), but I can't find a way of doing it.


Is there a way, or do I need to create a new package (or is there any other way)?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Change the your dev organizations name under Company Profile > Company Information in setup.  It will take up to 30 minutes, but this will change the publisher shown for packages in subscriber orgs.  



All Answers


Change the your dev organizations name under Company Profile > Company Information in setup.  It will take up to 30 minutes, but this will change the publisher shown for packages in subscriber orgs.  



This was selected as the best answer
Salma khanSalma khan
If you're going to submit a package to the Windows Store, you can associate your project with the Store, and all of the identity information in the Package manifest will match the value in Dev Center (including the publisher name and package identity name). You will also receive a StoreKey.pfx certificate with the same publisher information as your manifest, which will be used for code signing when you create a package.

Realclobber (
Humaima HumiHumaima Humi
Change Organization Name under "Company Profile" to show the name of publisher. Sometimes, it takes few minutes to reflect where the Managed Package is installed, although its takes some time but it surely works. 
Znzir (
Bellot TwigBellot Twig
AHHH! People are just doing mad at branding even when sleeping on king size bed ( 

Mia JacobMia Jacob
If you're going to submit a package to the Windows Store, you can associate your project with the Store, and all of the identity information in the Package manifest will match the value in Dev Center (including the publisher name and package identity name). You will also receive a StoreKey.pfx certificate with the same publisher information as your manifest, which will be used for code signing when you create a package.

Realclobber (
Mia JacobMia Jacob
If you're going to submit a package to the Windows Store, you can associate your project with the Store, and all of the identity information in the Package manifest will match the value in Dev Center (including the publisher name and package identity name). You will also receive a StoreKey.pfx certificate with the same publisher information as your manifest, which will be used for code signing when you create a package.

Agilemtech (
Salma khanSalma khan
It is possible to change the publisher of a package. The process for doing so depends on the specific package management system being used. For example, in the npm package manager for Node.js, a package owner can transfer ownership to another user by using the npm owner add and npm owner rm commands. Similarly, in Python's PyPI repository, package owners can transfer ownership by adding new maintainers to the package or removing themselves as the maintainer. It's important to check the documentation of the specific package management system you are using for information on how to change the publisher of a package.
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Salma khanSalma khan
This can be done by either re-publishing the package under a new publisher account or transferring the ownership of the package to a different publisher. Both options will result in the change of the package's publisher and allow for continued distribution and updates. It's important to follow the guidelines set by the package management system and any necessary procedures to ensure a seamless transition.
Regards: Agilemtech (
Itzy SoniaItzy Sonia
Yes, it is possible to change the publisher of a package, but it depends on the package manager and the policies of the platform where the package is hosted.
It's worth noting that transferring ownership of a package should be done with caution and only if necessary, as it can potentially disrupt the package's existing user base and ecosystem. Additionally, it's important to make sure that the new owner is trustworthy and will maintain the package appropriately.
Regards: Saroj Meher (
Durga MishraDurga Mishra
Changing the publisher of a package is generally not possible. The publisher of a package is tied to the digital signature used to sign the package, which is typically generated using a certificate obtained from a trusted certificate authority (CA). Once the certificate is used to sign the package, the publisher information is embedded in the package and cannot be changed without breaking the digital signature.
Regards: ShriDurgaChalisa (
Sanjay Kumar 390Sanjay Kumar 390
Yes, it is possible to alter a package's publisher. Depending on the platform or system you are using, a package's specific procedure and prerequisites may change. You would typically need to follow certain steps or procedures specified by the platform or package management system to initiate the publisher change, and you would generally need the appropriate rights or access to the package. These procedures could include changing the publisher or transferring ownership of the package, among other things. It is advised to look up precise instructions on how to change a package's publisher in the documentation or support materials of the platform or package management system you are employing.

Regards: Online Web Tutor )
Itzy SoniaItzy Sonia
Changing the publisher of a package can be a complex process that depends on various factors and the specific package management system being used. In most package management systems, such as npm for JavaScript or PyPI for Python, the publisher of a package is associated with the account that originally published it. Typically, the publisher's identity is tied to their account credentials, which are used to authenticate and authorize package updates and changes.

In some cases, package management systems provide mechanisms to transfer ownership or change the publisher of a package. For example, npm allows package owners to transfer ownership to another user or organization by using the npm owner command. This process requires cooperation and consent from the current package owner and the intended new owner. The necessary commands and steps may vary depending on the package manager and its specific documentation.

However, it's important to note that not all package management systems have built-in mechanisms for changing the publisher of a package. In such cases, it might be more challenging or even impossible to transfer ownership officially. In these situations, it is recommended to reach out to the package management system's support or community forums to inquire about potential options or alternative solutions.

Additionally, changing the publisher of a package may have implications for its users and the broader software ecosystem. Users who rely on the package may need to be informed about the change to update their dependencies and ensure a smooth transition. Maintaining clear communication and following best practices for managing package updates and deprecations is crucial to avoid disruption and provide a seamless experience for users.

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