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Referencing another object



i am trying to create a report, in which i have an object called Invoices, where i do a sum of the SalesTotal.

Now SalesTotal is comprised of sales made in the US and in Canada.


The total can be done easily, but where it gets complicated for me is that i want to add only the USA sales, or only the Canadian sales.


Now to help us, i have another object called Orders which is related to Invoices (each Invoice has an OrderID). In the Orders table, there is a field for the country (Either 'CAD" or 'USD').


What i wanted to do in the formula field, was to do a sum of SalesTotal (from Invoices) where the country = US (from Orders) ..... is this possible? if so how can i do this?


Also, if you need more clarification or anything let me know.



