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Help - Validation Rule - Schedule needed to progress


I want to implement the logic that you can only progress if a revenue schedule has been completed.


I have tried the following logic.


Can anyone help - as it does not work.


( OR
(ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Proposal / Pitch Delivered") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Short Listed") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Verbally Agreed") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Negotiation") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Final Contract") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won (w/o contract)") ,
ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won (contracted)") , Amount < 1 )

Steve :-/Steve :-/
Are you trying to do this using the standard SFDC Opportunity Product Revenue Schedules?
Yes, I am .
Steve :-/Steve :-/

Okay, you can get there, you just need to take care of a few things first.



First you need to create a custom formula field on your Opportunity Object.



Data Type: Roll-Up Summary Summary Type: COUNT Summarized Object: Opportunity Product Filter Criteria: Has Revenue Schedule equals TRUE


Then you can create a Validation Formula that evaluates your Opporunity Fields and the Count of Revenue Schedules and throws an error if the Count of Revenue Schedules is 0


Here's a simple one I did


AND(ISPICKVAL( StageName, "Closed Won"), RevenueSchedules__c < 1)


 So yours would look something like this*


* be sure to use the name of your own Roll-Up Summary field in the formula.



AND(OR( ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Proposal / Pitch Delivered" , ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Short Listed", ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Verbally Agreed" , ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Negotiation", ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Final Contract", ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won (w/o contract)", ISPICKVAL(StageName , "Closed - Won (contracted)")), RevenueSchedules__c < 1)