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Task VR: If Completed Task Type then 6 fields are required
OR(ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Onsite"), ISPICKVAL( Task_Type__c , "Webinar"), ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Online")) && ISPICKVAL(Status, "Completed") && ISBLANK( PD_Expense__c ) && ISBLANK( PD_Completed_date__c ) && ISBLANK( No_of_Participants__c ) && ISBLANK( PD_Confirmation_Emailed__c ) && ISBLANK( Material_Shipped_on__c ) && ISBLANK( PD_Evaluation_Emailed__c ) )
I am trying to create a task validation rule that requires 6 custom fields to not be blank if a custom field called Task Type is one of three picklist values AND the status of the task is Completed.
Above is what I have, but what it is doing is if the task type is one of the three and completed, it is only requiring one of the 6 fields to not be blank and then it is saving successfully.
What am I doing wrong??
It sounds like you want the rule to fire until all the fields are filled out. In that case, you want to change your ANDs (&&) between the checkbox fields to ORs (||). I think it would be something like this.
(OR(ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Onsite"), ISPICKVAL( Task_Type__c , Webinar"), ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Online")) && ISPICKVAL(Status, "Completed")) && (ISBLANK( PD_Expense__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Completed_date__c ) || ISBLANK( No_of_Participants__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Confirmation_Emailed__c ) || ISBLANK( Material_Shipped_on__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Evaluation_Emailed__c ) )
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It sounds like you want the rule to fire until all the fields are filled out. In that case, you want to change your ANDs (&&) between the checkbox fields to ORs (||). I think it would be something like this.
(OR(ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Onsite"), ISPICKVAL( Task_Type__c , Webinar"), ISPICKVAL(Task_Type__c, "Online")) && ISPICKVAL(Status, "Completed")) && (ISBLANK( PD_Expense__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Completed_date__c ) || ISBLANK( No_of_Participants__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Confirmation_Emailed__c ) || ISBLANK( Material_Shipped_on__c ) || ISBLANK( PD_Evaluation_Emailed__c ) )
I see. So now it looks at each of the fields and throws an error if any of them are blank, whereas my old rule was just looking for one of them to NOT be blank.