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Apex Eclipse Toolkit (8.0.2002) requires plug-in "org.apache.axis" on Vista Home Premium
I am trying to install the Apex Toolkit for eclipse.
I've been following the guidelines from:
I've been following the guidelines from:
I keep getting stuck at step 9:
9. In the following dialog, select the Apex Toolkit and then click “Select Required”
Here i am presented with the following error:
Apex Eclipse Toolkit (8.0.2002) requires plug-in "org.apache.axis"
I am working on Windows Vista Home Premium.
I am running Eclipse Version 3.2.2
I am running Eclipse Version 3.2.2
I have installed the latest version of Java "Windows Platform - Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 1" from
Here are my notes:
Good luck
I was facing the same problem,
Select Europa discovery site along with .
All the best.
Message Edited by Amitabhleo on 10-05-2007 12:01 PM
castilo discovery site was not showing in my list, Europa discovery site did the trick.
Message Edited by Amitabhleo on 10-05-2007 12:05 PM