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Apex Eclipse Toolkit and Proxy Servers

When I configure a proxy server in the Apex toolkit, it will work initially and then stop working. I have found that I need to periodically go to the project properties and deselect and select the "use proxy server" checkbox in order to make it work again.

Is there a workaround for this issue?
Ron HessRon Hess
do you have the version released today?
Thanks, I had a little better success with the toolkit today but I am still seeing occasional issues. When I right click on my Apex class and select run tests, I sometimes. get an unknown host exception. I've been able to work around it by closing and reopening salesforce.schema then I am able to execute the tests.
Have you been able to reproduce it reliably?  Does it happen when you leave the connection idle for an extended period, for example?
Also, do you happen to know what proxy software you're connecting through?
I have gotten it pretty while activity developing. (IE, within less than 5 minutes of a previously successfully attempt to compile and test my code).

Unfortunately, I've been working a client side and I don't know the specifics of the proxy server infrastructure.
Do you use the Apex DataLoader?  If so, have you seen any similar proxy behavior?
Michel M.Michel M.
Hello Raver,

I am facing the same issue as you do ...
Could you find any solution for this proxy problem ?
