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Unable to delete trigger in production

I need to delete a trigger from production.  Using the Eclipse plugin, the trigger is not listed as being available to delete.  Any ideas why this is?

Message Edited by jeremy_r on 09-07-2007 06:30 PM

I was able to use Ant to delete the trigger.  The Apex plugin is still confused about things.
What I did to delete a Trigger using the eclipse plugin was comment out the test class for the trigger and then delete the trigger. If you don't do this the test will throw errors and prevent you from delete the trigger.

Hi, I've been trying to delete a trigger from production using Ant, but it shows me an error because it evaluates code again And to be sincer I don't understand the reason. Would you please tell me how did you do or what is necessary to achieve this?

I only use the comand: ant delete   and in the build.xml file a have as part of the code, this:

    <target name="delete">
        <sf:compileAndTest username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" server="${sf.serverurl}" apiversion="10.0">