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Debugging in a test org

We have a managed package that tests OK in its developer org, but exhibits problems in a test org that we got from Partnerforce. We need to see system.debug messages, but they do not appear in any log. The test case shows system.debug messages in the developer org logs, but not in the test org..


I tried accessing the test org from our LMA org. I have heard that will show me the debug messages because I am accessing the org as the ISV, but I still do not see the messages. I have overridden the log filters in the Apex classes in the test org to show me debug information, but that does not work either.  Do I need to anything else to see the messages?


I would rather see the messages by logging in directly to the test org, rather having our engineers come through or LMA org. Has anyone gotten that to work?




If the managed app is installed in the test org, then you will need to login via the LMA.  Once you login as a user in the test org via the LMA, set up a debug log for the user you are logged in as (in setup).  Then perform the offending operation.  Go back to the debug log you created and look for the details there.  


In Summer '12, this will no longer be required.



Andrew, thanks for the quick reply. We have verified that logging in through the LMA org and creating debug logs for the user works.


You said in Summer '12, this will no longer be required. Are you referring to the need to log in through the LMA org, the need to create debug logs, or both?


The need to create a a debug log first shouldn't be required.  The LMA will continue to be a requirement.  


We need to debug an issue in a sandbox org that does not appear in our Subscriber tab. We have created debug logs in the org, but they do not show debug messages.  What do we do to get debug messages from a managed app installed in a sandbox that we cannot access through the LMA org?


You'll need to wait until your LMA org is upgraded to the Summer release.  Then see if you can access the sandbox.