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sandeep kumarsandeep kumar 

Unknown Error during Package Install - Diagnosed error in permission sets

Managed Beta package failed during installation with an unknown error. Logged a case with


The error did not say anything about the reason for the error. It just had a salesforce error number!!!. What help is that ? Salesforce should seriously start thinking on working towards spitting correct, useful informational error messages that can help diagnose the cause of the error.



Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact Support through your normal channels and reference number: 1922689759-2914 (-727923320)


We later found through a series of repackaging and resintalls the reason for the error.

The package included a permission set that had "Read" object permission for a custom child object. The master to the child is the standard Opportunity object. We were trying to set the permissions for opportunity and the child would automatically get the Read permission set due to the master-child relationship. This would generate an error during package install. The package would compile without any error though.


So now we know that you cannot set the object permissions in a permission set in a package on a custom object if the object is a child to a standard object through master-child relationship. We wanted to set only Read permission on the custom child object in the permission set so that the user would not be able Delete/Edit the records from UI.(page layouts)


You can set the object permissions on a child object to a standard object(master ) in a profile and the package will install successfully. Profiles are better that permission sets (whatever works is best - ugh!!!)


Has anyone got this error before? Is not being able to set object permissions on a child object in a permission set a bug or an expected behavior? Can Salesforce please clarify this.







Thanks for posting Sandeep.

I'm very curious to know if this a Permission Sets bug or an intended restriction with these.