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How to write a test case for the controller

Hi,I am new to thissalesforce.I finishe my controller class now iam trying to write testclass for that

how do i write testcase for my controoler;

here is my controller:

public class status_ctrl_option{

public status_ctrl_option()
//statusop = false;
showselectlist = false;
count = 0;
showstatusdialog = false;


public integer count {get;set;}
public boolean statusop {get;set;}
public boolean showselectlist {get;set;}
public boolean showResults {get;set;}
public string pgName {get;set;}
public string productId {get;set;}
public string newstatus_Name {get;set;}
public string new_currentbuildstaus_Name{get;set;}
public string new_nexttbuildstaus_Name {get;set;}
public boolean showstatusdialog {get;set;}

public string status_Id{get;set;}
public string status_Name {get;set;}
public string status_CurrentBuild {get;set;}
public string status_NextBuild {get;set;}

public list<Product_Group__c> returnproductlist = new list<Product_Group__c>();
public list<Product_Group__c> getreturnproductlist()
return returnproductlist;

public void pgsearchlist()
returnproductlist = [SELECT Id, Name, Quick_Pricing__c, Quick_Pricing_Name__c, Pricing_Type__c,Contract_Template__c,Engineering_Engagement__c,Engineering_Cycle_Time__c
FROM Product_Group__c
WHERE Name = : pgName];

public void updateshowResults()

showResults = false;
if(returnproductlist.size() > 0)
showResults = true;

Product_Group__c selectepglist = new Product_Group__c();
public Product_Group__c getselectepglist()
return selectepglist;

public void selectedpgnamelist()

selectepglist = [SELECT Id, Name, Quick_Pricing__c, Quick_Pricing_Name__c, Pricing_Type__c,Contract_Template__c,Engineering_Engagement__c,Engineering_Cycle_Time__c
FROM Product_Group__c
WHERE Id = : productId limit 1];
if(selectepglist.Engineering_Engagement__c == 'Required' && selectepglist.Engineering_Cycle_Time__c != null)


public void editshowselectlist()
showselectlist = false;
if(selectepglist != null)
showselectlist = true;

public PageReference pg_update()
Product_Group__c updatelist = new Product_Group__c();
updatelist = selectepglist;
updatelist.Quick_Pricing__c = selectepglist.Quick_Pricing__c;
updatelist.Pricing_Type__c = selectepglist.Pricing_Type__c;
updatelist.Engineering_Engagement__c = selectepglist.Engineering_Engagement__c;
updatelist.Contract_Template__c = selectepglist.Contract_Template__c;
update updatelist;
/*if(updatelist.Engineering_Engagement__c == 'Required')
PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/status_option');
return pr;
