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Need to Summarize Payments on my Custom Object, that's Non Master Detail

  1. I have a Custom Object called Payments - It's Related to Contacts, via Look up Field
  2. Paymet Object features multiple Payment Actions_c: (picklist) Payment Made, Payment Arranged, Payment Declined, Payment Bounced.
  3. Enrollment_fee_c is on the Contact Detail page (I didn't pull it from Opportunity Deail in a formula, but I could and will if there's an advantage)
  4. I would like to add the following fields, leveraging formulas to aggregates payments from the Paymetn Object.
  • Total Amount Due <<the original amount the client commited to for our services>> I can write a formula to pull this from Opp
  • Total Amount Paid<<aggegation of payments made on payment object, -  any actions = to bounced or arranged or declined>>
  • Total Amound Due <<the difference between Total_Amount_Due__c and Total_Amount_Paid_c

Can't seem to accomplish what I need to. This is on Professional Edition and the Object is not a master deail. 


Any suggestions, besides UPGRADE TO ENTERPRISE. lol


Steve :-/Steve :-/

There's your deal breaker right there> "Object is not a master detail" you can only create a Roll-Up Summary field if the 2 objects have a Master-Detail relationship.


Thanks again Steve.


Question though. Is it possible to change this to a Master Detail without deleting all and starting over, or?

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Don't quote me on this, but I *think* that you can go from "Lookup" to "Master-Detail" without losing anything.  The caveat is that all of your existing Child Records MUST have a Parent value in the Lookup field before you change the field properties to Master-Detail.


(SFDC system message below)


 "You cannot create a new Master-Detail relationship on an existing custom object if records already exist. You must first create a Lookup relationship, populate the lookup field with data in all records, and then change the relationship type to Master-Detail."


Thanks again!