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Michel M.Michel M. 

Test Coverage Issue ...

Hello Guys,

I have spent a few hours developping a simple code, and now I am facing serious problem deploying that code. I really don't understand why my Class is not covered by the test I am running ...

I have a test method like this which creates two Accounts, right ?

public class TMSBUTopLevel {
public static testMethod void mytest(){
Account a = new Account(name='test');
Account b = new Account(name='test2');
insert a;
insert b;

 And the creation of these two accounts should fire following trigger, still right ?

trigger accountSBUIns on Account (before insert) {
Account[] testAcc =;
Which should call the method in this class :

public class accountSBU {
public static void registerSBU(Account[] accgr){
for(Account a:accgr){
String[] sbuLevels = a.Owning_Organization__c.split('-');
if(sbuLevels[0].equals('ENGR') || sbuLevels[0].equals('FIN') || sbuLevels[0].equals('FS&RE') || sbuLevels[0].equals('HR') ||sbuLevels[0].equals('IT&S') ||sbuLevels[0].equals('LEGL') ||sbuLevels[0].equals('S&L')){
if(sbuLevels[0].equals(' ') || sbuLevels[0].equals('') || sbuLevels[0]== null){
sbuLevels[0]='Not Defined';
a.Owning_SBU_Org__c = sbuLevels[0];
But for an unknow reason, when I run the test my coverage results only "covers" the trigger ....
Code Coverage is 100% but only for the trigger ...
No information for my class ... and when I try to deploy it, then it tells me that my class is not covered enough.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
