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I keep getting compile errors on this piece of code which calculates time spent on support contracts:
Case[] allcases = [select Id, CreatedDate from Case];
Integer i=0;
Integer x=0;
Integer weekstime = 7*24*60*60*1000;
Integer daystime = 24*60*60*1000;
Integer hourstime = 60*60*1000;
Integer minutestime = 60000;
Integer i=0;
Integer x=0;
Integer weekstime = 7*24*60*60*1000;
Integer daystime = 24*60*60*1000;
Integer hourstime = 60*60*1000;
Integer minutestime = 60000;
List<Contact> tbu = new Contact[ 0];
for (Case a: allcases) {
Integer calctime=0;
Integer numweeks=0;
Integer remainder=0;
x = - a.CreatedDate;
numweeks = Math.floor(x/weekstime);
calctime += 40*hourstime*numweeks;
remainder = Math.mod(x,weekstime);
Datetime finishweek = a.CreatedDate.addSeconds(remainder/1000);
Datetime temptime = a.CreatedDate;
while(temptime<finishweek) {
Integer temptimehour = temptime.hour;
if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Friday' && temptimehour>=17) temptime = temptime.addDays(2);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Saturday' && temptimehour<9) temptime = temptime.addDays(2);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Sunday' && temptimehour<9) temptime = temptime.addDays(1);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Saturday' && temptimehour>=9) temptime = temptime.addDays(1);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Sunday' && temptimehour>=9) temptime = temptime.addHours(8);
else if(temptimehour< 8) temptime = temptime.addHours(1);
else if(temptimehour>=17) temptime = temptime.addHours(8);
else if(temptimehour>=8 && temptimehour<17) {
if(temptimehour==8) temptime = temptime.addMinutes(1);
else {
if(temptimehour<17) {
calctime += hourstime;
temptime = temptime.addHours(1);
else {
calctime += minutestime;
temptime = temptime.addMinutes(1);
a.SLA_Elapsed_Time__c = calctime;
update tbu;
for (Case a: allcases) {
Integer calctime=0;
Integer numweeks=0;
Integer remainder=0;
x = - a.CreatedDate;
numweeks = Math.floor(x/weekstime);
calctime += 40*hourstime*numweeks;
remainder = Math.mod(x,weekstime);
Datetime finishweek = a.CreatedDate.addSeconds(remainder/1000);
Datetime temptime = a.CreatedDate;
while(temptime<finishweek) {
Integer temptimehour = temptime.hour;
if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Friday' && temptimehour>=17) temptime = temptime.addDays(2);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Saturday' && temptimehour<9) temptime = temptime.addDays(2);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Sunday' && temptimehour<9) temptime = temptime.addDays(1);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Saturday' && temptimehour>=9) temptime = temptime.addDays(1);
else if(temptime.format('dddd')=='Sunday' && temptimehour>=9) temptime = temptime.addHours(8);
else if(temptimehour< 8) temptime = temptime.addHours(1);
else if(temptimehour>=17) temptime = temptime.addHours(8);
else if(temptimehour>=8 && temptimehour<17) {
if(temptimehour==8) temptime = temptime.addMinutes(1);
else {
if(temptimehour<17) {
calctime += hourstime;
temptime = temptime.addHours(1);
else {
calctime += minutestime;
temptime = temptime.addMinutes(1);
a.SLA_Elapsed_Time__c = calctime;
update tbu;
I can't get past a couple of errors. On the lines:
Datetime temptime = a.CreatedDate;
Integer temptimehour = temptime.hour;
I get an error that says "Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: Datetime"
I thought I just declared the object to be Datetime???????????????
The second error I get is on the line:
x = System.Now() - a.CreatedDate;
It says "Date/time arithmetic expressions must use Integer and Double arguments"
I thought each datetime represented the amount of milliseconds since January 1 1970 or something like that, and were double types of variables themselves?????????
Can someone help me with these errors?
Please lookup the datetime methods in the developers guide, look for the method getTime()
it will give you the number of milliseconds since January 1,
1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this DateTime
then you will be able to do math with that value
something like this
x = System.Now().getTime() - a.CreatedDate.getTime();