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Cross custom object formula

I work for a non-profit and have the non-profit Salesforce package. We have a custom object called "Affiliations" in order to link Individuals with Organizations. I am trying to create a field in Contacts that shows the contact's Affiliation. However, when I put in the field "npe5_Affiliation_c" or the field "npe5_Organization_c" and run the syntax check, I get an error that the field does not exist. I have checked and rechecked and the field does exist. What am I doing wrong?


Try using npe5_Affiliation__c or npe5_Organization__c. It seems that you are using _c instead of __c.  While creating the cross formula fields, try using Insert Field button. It helps you fetching the existing field names.


Did this answer your question? If so, please mark it solved.


You were right about the double underscore. But it is still telling me that the field does not exist. I'm baffled because I go to the custom object and click on the field "Organization." It lists its API name as npe5__Organization__c. But the formula will not accept it.


What I am needing is the ability for the Contact page to list Organizational Affiliations (a custom object) in the Contact Details section.