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How can I Use Ischanged () in lookup field

1.  I have a field call Priority.  It is a lookup field to another object called SLA. SLA have a picklist field called SLA level
2.  I have a second field call Priority Modified Date  It is a date &time field
Every time the SLA level is changed I want the Priority Modified Date field to update with the current date.
Where the Workflow evaluated ISCHANGED(field #1) and updated the date field #2 to NOW(). It's not working .
The system says Error:Function ISCHANGED may not be used in this type of formula
Please help.

Ischanged is not available for picklist type of fields.

So you can use a combination of  ISPICKVAL and PRIORVALUE  refer to following function:-


When using the ISPICKVAL function to return the previous value of a picklist field, include the PRIORVALUE function inside the ISPICKVAL function as in this example:



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ISPICKVAL( PRIORVALUE( Priority__r.SLA_Level__c ) , "Order")


Here Priority is a lookup field to SLA and SLA_Level is a picklist field.

Then the system says,


Error: Function PRIORVALUE may not be used in this type of formula




Hi Rajesh,


      Create a formula field with formula  "Priority__r.SLA_Level__c". Now use the ISCHANGED() for this formula field.



Chris ColliganChris Colligan
You cannot you ISCHANGED() on a formula field.
Brahmaiah GantaBrahmaiah Ganta
Hi Rajesh,
The ISCHANGED() function is working fine in formula field of Workflow Rules for Picklist field. when we will choose Evaluation Criteria as "created, and every time it's edited" .
User-added image

We will get Error if we choose Evaluation Criteria as a "created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria".
User-added image
otherwise it will work fine and updating date field with NOW().

make it as a best answer if it helps.