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How do I build a workflow rule to update a date field when the record owner is changed?



I was looking at the Help step-by-step topic on this, but it seems that my Field Update formula syntax is not correct.


IF(ISCHANGED(OwnerId) ,TODAY(),Date_Time_Accepted__c)


I am trying to update a custom field 'Date/Time Accepted' with the current date/time whenever Case Ownership has changed.




Thanks in advance,


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Steve :-/Steve :-/

Are you trying to do this with a Workflow Rule and a Field Update, or are you just trying to create a Formual(Date) field? 


For a Workflow Rule your trigger would just be



 and your Workflow Action would be Field Update:

Field: Date_Time_Accepted__c










All Answers

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Are you trying to do this with a Workflow Rule and a Field Update, or are you just trying to create a Formual(Date) field? 


For a Workflow Rule your trigger would just be



 and your Workflow Action would be Field Update:

Field: Date_Time_Accepted__c










This was selected as the best answer

Ahh...simple. Thanks Stevemo.