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Formula field to show number of years and days a date equation results in
IF(ISNULL( End_Date__c ) ,
TEXT((TODAY() - Hire_Date__c)/ 365) & " years",
TEXT((End_Date__c - Hire_Date__c)/ 365) & " years")
Above is the code I have so far. The only problem is that this potentially shows results such as "3.1234237563223457 years". Is there a way to make the equation give a result such as "3 years 33 days"?
Thank you!
Based on what you mentioned, I would create a number field called tenure(in days), which would calculate the number of days in the tenure. This field will allow you to do averages via reports.
For the original question regarding format, create another field that will convert the number of tenure days into the format you want, something like this:
I haven't tested the formula, but this should give you an idea.
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In addition to my question above, how can I change this field or create a field that will know the answer (in this case it is tenure) and then be reportable as an average. Currently, the field I am creating with the formula above is not an available summary field on the report to create an average of. We want to build a dashboard widget that reports the average tenure of an employee.
Thanks in advance.
Ps. the boards are quiet the past 24 hours!
Based on what you mentioned, I would create a number field called tenure(in days), which would calculate the number of days in the tenure. This field will allow you to do averages via reports.
For the original question regarding format, create another field that will convert the number of tenure days into the format you want, something like this:
I haven't tested the formula, but this should give you an idea.
I actually ended up doing something similar to your first suggestion and renaming the field Years Employed instead of Time Employed and making it a number formula field instead of text formula, and then limiting it to two decimals, since we have no need for a down to the octillionth decimal.
Thanks for the great answer!
I was thinking that BLANKVALUE might work a little better in place of ISBLANK.
This might also be helpful in other date related functions.
- Ian