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Adding an image next to a custom field

Hello -
I have a client who wants to add a stoplight image next to a custom "STATUS" field. I found this formula in the help section of the Salesforce site: IMAGE(image_url, alternate_text, height, width)
However, this formula directs you to find an image URL. Is it possible to insert an image from a saved file such as a gif or jpeg? Does the image have to be linked to a URL to insert?
Any input is appreciated.
You can reference image files (jpg, gif) stored in the Documents tab.  There is a special syntax to reference these documents by document ID.  Check the samples document for syntax.

Good luck,

Hey everyone,

Question on this thread.  Say you have a folder and have collected the logos for the accounts and leads you have in your Salesforce.  Has anyone ever written a field (or possibly an s-control?) which would allow you to choose the logo for the company, and then from then on, shows the custom image field populated with the account's logo?



You can add an image from a folder on a shared network if you do the following:
IMG("pathname" & CustomField & ".ext", alternate text, heigh, width)
where pathname is the mapping to the folder you want to access,
CustomField can be replaced by any field name (such as & LastName & FirstName),
and .ext can be replaced by either .gif or .jpg or whatever format you want.
This only works if you are running on a network (like at an office).
Alternatively, you can just use a url and store all of your pictures to a website.  Just create a folder inside a website (you can even get one for free online), and upload your pictures with the formula name (LastNameFirstName.jpg) and salesforce will automatically load it.