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Need help with a simple S-Control

I have just started to use a VOIP softphone and have discovered that I can call it by activating a simple HTML link in the form as below:
<a href="sip:{!Contact.Phone}">X-Lite Call</a>
I am calling the SFDC phone field automatically so that I can simply instigate a call with a single click.
I would like to have this as a button on the contact page however I cannot work out how to get it to activate straight up. If I create a new button I have to tell it to open in a new window, existing window etc. It then open a new window with this link. If I click the link it calls the softphone and dials the number OK.
I want to work out how to just add a button with this simple a href link in it.
I am not sure if I need to wrap this code in somethign else or not - maybe js???
Appreciate anyone's ideas.